State of the art handbuild poweramp.Made by Dutch guitarampmaker Ernst Fliek, builds only on request.The sound of 'The Traveller' can be characterised as transparent and powerful. The output of the power amp is at least 2 x 100 watts. Seperate functions are available for switching from 100 to 50 watts (disabling 2 tubes), fanspeed and character of the feedback.
Mono input is independent from the right and left inputs. The mono input signal is mixed with left and right by means of an internal tubemixer. This provides the possibility of mixing a dry and a stereo effectsignal.
There are seperate stand by, presence and volume controls for each channel. The presencecontrol of 'The Traveller' works gradually and effectively. Loudspeaker outputs present are 4, 8 and 16 ohm.
'The Traveller' uses four preamp valves and eight power valves. Pre amp stage 12AX7WA each channel 2,power amp stage EL34G each channel 4.Weight 14 kg.
Contact me for price.